Honestly….2013….and here we still are. I’m really not surprised that the banks just don’t care about this. Both because they hate that it makes them liable, and because we don’t really matter to them. What makes me so angry is that we’ve all just allowed it to continue. The only reason I was so sure it had to be somewhat legitimate, is because my bank is one of only 3, in a very small, relatively unknown city, that would just be silly to create a phishing scam for. I STILL was seeing red flags popping up everywhere, my mind just wouldn’t be convinced, and here, even now….after reading every comment here, yes I know that securesuite is in business with our banks, and card issuers…but I don’t see it as truly BEING legitimate, at least in the sense that they are shady, have awful business practices, obviously aren’t protecting anyone AND transmitting confidential, important, financial information un-encrypted online. Why the hell hasn’t anyone done anything about this? That’s the real question.
It seems unfathomable that we’ve all sat around and not done anything to make this really stop. I mean besides just opting out and refusing to use it or the services that ask for it to be used. Someone needs to bring this to court, or a GOOD business that is partnered with them, or something of the sort, needs to bitch-slap these people across the face, threaten to take something away, just do anything to get this fixed, removed or to at least frigging EDUCATE their god damn employees about it! I mean JESUS MC NUGGETS, the fact alone that NOBODY working at any of these banks, let alone the card issuers, seems to even know the littlest about it is just baffling.
Why the hell would people still be allowed to continue working for a bank, as well, when they seriously are so stupid they don’t even understand the logic in being suspicious about something like this popping up, and even worse, that they don’t even seem to know ANYTHING about phishing or scams in the first place, and think you shouldn’t care! I mean, after all…a lot of the situations that arise from it, they end up costing the BANKS the money, because they have to reimburse the people who have been scammed. Therefore, don’t you think it would be in their best interest to make sure their unbelievably idiotic, neanderthal employees were at least the littlest bit smart enough to know that *durrrr* “scams are bad and people who commit credit card fraud cost the banks money”?! Who’s running these places, 6 year old cavemen?!
By the way, thank you all for your insights and information. You helped me and probably a lot of other people as well.